JSON Formatting – Match Score Summary Template

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Building a Match Score Summary Dashboard with SharePoint List View JSON

Sports bring people together, and keeping track of match scores in a visually engaging way can make the experience even better. With SharePoint List view JSON formatting, I’ve created a match score summary template that allows users to easily view and update scores, along with details about the teams, match dates, and even country flags!

SharePoint List Setup for Match Score Summary

To display the scores and match details effectively, I’ve structured a SharePoint list with the following columns:

Column NameType
TitleSingle line of text
Country1Single line of text
Country1ScoreSingle line of text
Country2Single line of text
Country2ScoreSingle line of text
MatchDateDate and Time
Country1FlagUrlSingle line of text
Country2FlagUrlSingle line of text

Features of the Match Score Summary Template

This SharePoint List template offers an intuitive way to display and manage match scores between two countries, complete with team flags and the date of the match. Here’s what makes this template effective:

  1. Country Names and Scores
    • The Country1 and Country2 fields capture the names of the competing teams.
    • The Country1Score and Country2Score fields allow for the entry of scores as the match progresses or after its conclusion.
  2. Match Date
    • The MatchDate column records the date and time of the match, allowing for future scheduling or historical tracking of past games.
  3. Country Flags
    • The Country1FlagUrl and Country2FlagUrl fields store URLs pointing to the respective country flags, which can be displayed alongside the country names for a visually appealing presentation.
    • The flag icons are referenced from the Flag Icons GitHub project, which offers a wide range of SVG flags for different countries.

Custom JSON Formatting

The match score summary comes to life when you apply custom JSON to format the list view. This can be used to display:

  • Flags: By using the URLs in the Country1FlagUrl and Country2FlagUrl fields, the flags of both countries can be displayed alongside their names. The flags are sourced from the Flag Icons project on GitHub.
  • Dynamic Scores: The template displays the current scores dynamically, updating the match summary in real-time.
  • Stylized Match Dates: With JSON formatting, you can display match dates in an attractive, easy-to-read format, enhancing the overall user experience.

Source Code

To explore the full JSON template used to create this match summary experience, you can access it on GitHub via the link below:

View JSON Code on GitHub

Why This Template Works

This match score summary template is a great way to keep track of scores for sports events, whether you’re managing a league internally, tracking results for fans, or even hosting friendly tournaments. It’s a flexible, scalable solution that can be applied to any sport, making it easier to stay on top of matches and results in a visually engaging way.


With SharePoint List view JSON formatting and the use of Flag Icons, you can transform a simple match score list into an interactive and visually appealing summary. This template is perfect for organizing and displaying match scores, country flags, and dates in a way that’s both functional and engaging. Whether for internal use or public sharing, this solution can be a valuable addition to any sports management toolkit.

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