Get Manager Hierarchy recursively using Power Automate

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Retrieving the manager hierarchy recursively using Power Automate can be useful in various scenarios, particularly in organizations where understanding the reporting structure is essential for operational efficiency, decision-making, and compliance. Here are some reasons why you might need to implement this functionality.

Understanding the Need

Imagine you’re working on a project within your organization, and you need to escalate an issue to your manager’s manager. However, locating this information quickly and efficiently can be a daunting task, especially in large organizations with complex hierarchies. That’s where the Microsoft Graph API comes into play.

The Microsoft Graph API Advantage

The Microsoft Graph API provides a powerful mechanism to access organizational data, including user profiles, group memberships, and manager relationships.$expand=manager($levels=max;$select=id,displayName)&$select=id,displayName

However, leveraging this API requires premium connectors or complex configurations, limiting accessibility for many users.

Using standard actions

Step 1: Initiate the Flow

Use a trigger action, such as a manual trigger, to initiate the flow.

Step 2: Initialize an array variable

Initialize an array variable “ManagerArray” to store Manager Information

Step 3: Initialize a string variable to Manager Information

Initialize a string variable to store User’s email address. You could either hardcode it or grab it from Flow context.

Step 4: Start the loop

Add a Get Manager (V2) action to retrieve the manager information for a specific user. Utilize the ‘HTTP’ action to send a GET request to the API endpoint.

  • Set the UserEmail variable with the Manager’s Email from the step above
  • Add the UserEmail to the ManagerArray variable

Step 5: Stop the Loop

If the response does not include manager information (indicating that the user is at the top of the hierarchy), stop the ‘do while’ loop.

Step 6: Store or Display Manager Hierarchy

Finally, display the array in an compose action

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