SQL Saturday is kicking off!

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If you haven’t already heard, SQL Saturday South Island is kicking off on Saturday May 26th.

This event is not just for DBAs but for anyone who interacts with data. If you look at the schedule you’ll see some awesome sessions:


We have speakers coming from Sri Lanka (1) , India (2) , United States (1), Australia (6) and New Zealand (10).

This year we have also attracted a senior exec from Microsoft — Mark Souza (General Manager – Cloud and Enterprise Engineering) to come all the way out to New Zealand to give our keynote.

Which is nothing short of amazing as in years gone by our keynotes have been pretty non-existent.

So this is a huge thing.

Details of the event can be found here:


If you’re interested then please head along to the SQL Saturday site and register https://www.sqlsaturday.com/712/RegisterNow.aspx – we have four tracks running – and we have 20 speakers so we think that there is something for everybody there.

Additionally, we have managed to secure the services of three internationally recognised SQL Server and Machine Learning experts to conduct full pre-cons on Friday 25th May.

Ginger Grant (t | b) will be running a Machine Learning with SQL Server session and attendees will learn:

The machine learning workflow

The techniques and algorithms used in creating solutions

The implementation techniques in R and Python and deploy solutions in SQL Server.

Amit RS Bansal (t | b) will be running a more DBA focused session – this is a precon that is Practical SQL Server Performance Tuning. His session is so popular and will be extremely educational that we currently have 2 Data Platform MVPs who have registered for it…!! It is an 8-hour, 100% demo-oriented delivery on SQL Server Performance Troubleshooting.

We also have Martin Cairney (t ) who is running a precon on Designing & Implementing a Database Management Strategy for Azure Databases. If you are looking to utilize Azure for any type of database – this session is definitely the one for you.

If you’re interested then please sign up either via the homepage of SQL Saturday South Island or via eventbrite:

Machine Learning precon:


SQL Server Tuning precon:


Azure Database Management precon:


SQL Saturday South Island is a free event – thanks again to our sponsors – and we really hope you will join us for a day of training and networking. Our speakers who have travelled from afar as Singapore are here to teach you some awesome things about all things related to the Data Platform.

Check out the schedule at


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